Pos. Team (Start of Rd. of Champ. 4) Rd. 8 Points Playoff Points - Reg. Season + Rd. of 12 and 16 Rd. 4 Stage Points Rd. 4 Race Pts. Total Rd. 8 Playoff Pts Diff. to Cutoff
1 RCRhinos 5000 N/A N/A 138 5138 N/A Champion!
2 MalteseMomma 5000 N/A N/A 137 5137 N/A -1
3 BioTech 5000 N/A N/A 134 5134 N/A -4
4 JennaLoo 5000 N/A N/A 117 5117 N/A -21
5 LilBirdieBoom [Consol. 8] 4000 4311 ELIM
6 JBugginToTheFinish [Consol. 8] 4000 4286 ELIM
7 SolSoul [Consol. 8] 4000 4274 ELIM
8 Marshy16 [Consol. 8] 4000 4212 ELIM
9 WiresAndPliers [Consol. 12] 3000 3688 ELIM
10 ScorpioWins [Consol. 12] 3000 36 93 276 3681 ELIM
11 LoveDame [Consol. 12] 3000 22 84 268 3652 ELIM
12 AyceeMay [Consol. 12] 3000 22 35 276 3589 ELIM
13 BaconForLife [Consol. 16] 2000 14 190 673 3136 ELIM
14 BlueWildFire [Consol. 16] 2000 12 172 637 3110 ELIM
15 DragonKing [Consol. 16] 2000 2 160 610 3103 ELIM
16 Gallus [Consol. 16] 2000 17 136 627 3054 ELIM
17 ButterBall [Consol. 16] 2000 25 123 647 3007 ELIM
Pos. Team (Start of Rd. of 8) Rd. 8 Points Playoff Points - Reg. Season + Rd. of 12 & 16 Rd. 8 Stage Points Rd. 8 Race Pts. Total Rd. 8 Playoff Pts Diff. to Cutoff
1 RCRhinos 4000 66 4066 +51
2 JennaLoo 4000 56 4056 +41
3 BioTech 4000 43 4043 +28
4 JBugginToTheFinish 4000 18 4018 +3
5 MalteseMomma 4000 15 4015 -3
6 LilBirdieBoom 4000 14 4014 -4
7 SolSoul 4000 14 4014 -4
8 Marshy16 4000 3 4003 -15
9 ScorpioWins [Consol. 12] 3000 36 93 276 3405 0
10 WiresAndPliers [Consol. 12] 3000 17 89 288 3394 -11
11 LoveDame [Consol. 12] 3000 22 84 268 3374 -31
12 AyceeMay [Consol. 12] 3000 22 35 276 3333 -72
13 BaconForLife [Consol. 16] 2000 14 190 673 2877 0
14 BlueWildFire [Consol. 16] 2000 12 172 637 2821 -56
15 ButterBall [Consol. 16] 2000 25 123 647 2795 -82
16 Gallus [Consol. 16] 2000 17 136 627 2780 -97
17 DragonKing [Consol. 16] 2000 2 160 610 2772 -105
Pos. Team (After Talladega Rd. of 12) Rd. 12 Points Playoff Points - Reg. Season + Rd. of 16 Rd. 12 Stage Points Rd. 12 Race Pts. Total Rd. 12 Playoff Pts Diff. to Cutoff
1 RCRhinos [1 Win] 3000 59 69 209 3337 7 Adv. to Rd. of 8
2 LilBirdieBoom 3000 13 78 272 3363 1 +132
3 BioTech 3000 43 64 218 3325 +94
4 JennaLoo 3000 51 67 201 3319 +88
5 MalteseMomma 3000 15 72 217 3304 +73
6 SolSoul 3000 12 66 225 3303 +72
7 Marshy16 3000 3 61 216 3280 +49
8 LoveDame 3000 22 47 171 3240 2 +9
9 AyceeMay 3000 22 21 188 3231 -9
10 JBugginToTheFinish 3000 18 27 185 3230 -10
11 ScorpioWins 3000 32 36 161 3229 2 -11
12 WiresAndPliers 3000 17 42 160 3219 -21
13 BaconForLife [Consol. 16] 2000 13 143 555 2712 1 0
14 ButterBall [Consol. 16] 2000 25 101 554 2680 -32
15 Gallus [Consol. 16] 2000 9 123 533 2673 8 -39
16 BlueWildFire [Consol. 16] 2000 12 138 486 2636 -76
17 DragonKing [Consol. 16] 2000 2 120 495 2617 -95
Pos. Team (After Kansas Rd. of 12) Rd. 12 Points Playoff Points - Reg. Season + Rd. of 16 Rd. 12 Stage Points Rd. 12 Race Pts. Total Rd. 12 Playoff Pts Diff. to Cutoff
1 RCRhinos [1 Win] 3000 59 48 145 3252 7 Adv. to Rd. of 8
2 JennaLoo 3000 51 49 136 3236 +79
3 BioTech 3000 43 41 134 3218 +61
4 LilBirdieBoom 3000 13 48 134 3195 +38
5 SolSoul 3000 12 46 128 3186 +29
6 LoveDame 3000 22 23 132 3177 +20
7 Marshy16 3000 3 28 142 3173 +16
8 MalteseMomma 3000 15 43 114 3172 +15
9 WiresAndPliers 3000 17 30 110 3157 -15
10 JBugginToTheFinish 3000 18 15 114 3147 -25
11 AyceeMay 3000 22 4 115 3141 -31
12 ScorpioWins 3000 32 7 93 3132 -40
13 ButterBall [Consol. 16] 2000 25 92 454 2571 0
14 BaconForLife [Consol. 16] 2000 13 114 418 2545 -26
15 BlueWildFire [Consol. 16] 2000 12 123 409 2544 -27
16 Gallus [Consol. 16] 2000 9 81 400 2492 2 -79
17 DragonKing [Consol. 16] 2000 2 91 394 2487 -84
Pos. Team (Starting Round of 12) Rd. 16 Points Playoff Points - Reg. Season + Rd. of 16 Rd. 12 Stage Points Rd. 12 Race Pts. Total Rd. 12 Playoff Pts Diff. to Cutoff
1 RCRhinos 3000 59 3059 +44
2 JennaLoo 3000 51 3051 +36
3 BioTech 3000 43 3043 +28
4 ScorpioWins 3000 32 3032 +17
5 LoveDame 3000 22 3022 +7
6 AyceeMay 3000 22 3022 +7
7 JBugginToTheFinish 3000 18 3018 +3
8 WiresAndPliers 3000 17 3017 +2
9 MalteseMomma 3000 15 3015 -2
10 LilBirdieBoom 3000 13 3013 -4
11 SolSoul 3000 12 3012 -5
12 Marshy16 3000 3 3003 -14
13 ButterBall [Consol. 16] 2000 25 65 319 2409 0
14 BlueWildFire [Consol. 16] 2000 12 88 308 2408 -1
15 BaconForLife [Consol. 16] 2000 13 83 308 2404 -5
16 DragonKing [Consol. 16] 2000 2 57 277 2336 -91
17 Gallus [Consol. 16] 2000 9 38 273 2320 -107
Pos. Team (After Bristol Race) Rd. 16 Points Playoff Points - Reg. Season Rd. 16 Stage Points Rd. 16 Race Pts. Total Rd. 16 Playoff Pts Diff. to Cutoff
1 RCRhinos [1 Win] 2000 52 129 340 2521 7 Adv. to Rd. of 12
2 BioTech [1 Win] 2000 33 123 347 2503 10 Adv. to Rd. of 12
3 MalteseMomma [1 Win] 2000 10 110 341 2461 5 Adv. to Rd. of 12
4 JennaLoo 2000 50 131 347 2528 5 Adv. to Rd. of 12
5 WiresAndPliers 2000 16 117 334 2467 1 Adv. to Rd. of 12
6 JBugginToTheFinish 2000 16 116 324 2456 2 Adv. to Rd. of 12
7 LoveDame 2000 20 107 323 2450 2 Adv. to Rd. of 12
8 Marshy16 2000 2 103 335 2440 1 Adv. to Rd. of 12
9 SolSoul 2000 11 117 310 2438 1 Adv. to Rd. of 12
10 LilBirdieBoom 2000 12 95 325 2432 1 Adv. to Rd. of 12
11 AyceeMay 2000 22 67 339 2428 0 Adv. to Rd. of 12
12 ScorpioWins 2000 30 76 321 2427 2 Adv. to Rd. of 12
13 ButterBall 2000 25 65 319 2409 0 -18
14 BlueWildFire 2000 11 88 308 2407 1 -20
15 BaconForLife 2000 13 83 308 2404 0 -23
16 DragonKing 2000 2 57 277 2336 0 -91
17 Gallus 2000 9 38 273 2320 0 -107
Pos. Team (After Atlanta Race) Rd. 16 Points Playoff Points - Reg. Season Rd. 16 Stage Points Rd. 16 Race Pts. Rd. 16 Playoff Pts Total Diff. to Cutoff
1 BioTech [1 Win] 2000 33 53 119 10 2215 Adv. to Rd. of 12
2 JennaLoo 2000 50 35 11 1 2197 +70
3 RCRhinos 2000 52 38 90 0 2180 +53
4 WiresAndPliers 2000 16 35 127 1 2179 +52
5 LilBirdieBoom 2000 12 35 124 1 2172 +45
6 Marshy16 2000 2 50 118 1 2171 +44
7 SolSoul 2000 11 36 118 1 2166 +39
8 BlueWildFire 2000 11 35 112 1 2159 +32
9 AyceeMay 2000 22 2 132 0 2156 +29
10 ButterBall 2000 25 19 111 0 2155 +28
11 ScorpioWins 2000 30 12 98 0 2140 +13
12 DragonKing 2000 2 23 111 0 2136 +9
13 MalteseMomma 2000 10 16 101 0 2127 -9
14 BaconForLife 2000 13 16 96 0 2125 -11
15 LoveDame 2000 20 16 86 0 2122 -14
16 JBugginToTheFinish 2000 16 28 68 0 2112 -24
17 Gallus 2000 9 9 91 0 2109 -27
Pos Reg. Season Avg. Reg. Season Finish Pos. Team (Start of Rd. of 16) Rd. 16 Points Reg. Season Pos. Pts. Regular Season Playoff Pts. Total Diff. to Cutoff
1 4 (T.B.1) 2nd RCRhinos 2000 10 42 2052 +41
2 4 (T.B.2) 3rd JennaLoo 2000 8 42 2050 +39
3 3.5 1st BioTech 2000 15 18 2033 +22
4 6 4th ScorpioWins 2000 7 23 2030 +19
5 8 7th ButterBall 2000 4 21 2025 +14
6 12.5 16th AyceeMay 2000 0 22 2022 +11
7 9 (T.B.2) 9th LoveDame 2000 2 18 2020 +9
8 9 (T.B.1) 8th JBugginToTheFinish 2000 3 13 2016 +5 (Tie-Break)
9 9 (T.B.3) 10th WiresAndPliers 2000 1 15 2016 +5
10 10 (T.B.1) 11th BaconForLife 2000 0 13 2013 +2
11 7.5 (T.B.1) 5th LilBirdieBoom 2000 6 6 2012 +1
12 10 (T.B.2) 12th SolSoul 2000 0 11 2011 0 (Tie-Break)
13 7.5 (T.B.2) 6th BlueWildFire 2000 5 6 2011 0
14 11 13th MalteseMomma 2000 0 10 2010 -1
15 12.5 (TB.1) 14th Gallus 2000 0 9 2009 -2
16 12.5 (TB.2) 15th DragonKing 2000 0 2 2002 -9
17 17 17th Marshy16 2000 0 2 2002 -9