Pos. Team (Championship Rd. at Phoenix) Champ. Rd. Points Playoff Pts - Reg. Season and Playoffs Total Rd. of 4 Race Pts. Rd. of 4 Playoff Pts Total Diff. to Cutoff
1 ScorpioWins 5000 N/A 155 N/A 5155 Champion!
2 ButterBall 5000 N/A 145 N/A 5145 -10
3 BaconForLife 5000 N/A 122 N/A 5122 -33
4 BioTech 5000 N/A 92 N/A 5092 -63
5 RCRhinos 4000 55 605 0 4660 ELIM.
6 SolSoul 4000 51 562 0 4613 ELIM.
7 DragonKing 4000 26 586 0 4612 ELIM.
8 LilBirdieBoom 4000 6 554 0 4560 ELIM.
9 MalteseMomma 3000 27 987 4 4018 ELIM.
10 LoveDame 3000 21 983 0 4004 ELIM.
11 JBugginToTheFinish 3000 6 906 0 3912 ELIM.
12 Gallus 3000 23 856 0 3879 ELIM.
13 CoffMom 2000 9 0 0 2009 ELIM.
14 ToeStinkleFinkle 2000 0 0 0 2000 ELIM.
15 LittleLadyBug 2000 0 0 0 2000 ELIM.
Pos. Team (Rd. of 8 After Martinsville) Rd. 8 Points Playoff Pts - Reg. Season and Playoffs Total Rd. of 8 Race Pts. Rd. of 8 Playoff Pts Total Diff. to Cutoff
1 ScorpioWins [1 Win] 4000 35 537 5 4577 Adv. to Champ. Rd.
2 ButterBall [2 Wins] 4000 25 476 14 4515 Adv. to Champ. Rd.
3 BioTech 4000 29 456 4 4489 Adv. to Champ. Rd.
4 BaconForLife 4000 25 455 0 4480 Adv. to Champ. Rd.
5 RCRhinos 4000 55 421 0 4476 -4 ELIM.
6 SolSoul 4000 51 408 0 4459 -21 ELIM.
7 DragonKing 4000 26 370 0 4396 -84 ELIM.
8 LilBirdieBoom 4000 6 361 0 4367 -113 ELIM.
9 LoveDame 3000 21 847 0 3868 ELIM.
10 MalteseMomma 3000 27 825 4 3856 ELIM.
11 JBugginToTheFinish 3000 6 745 0 3751 ELIM.
12 Gallus 3000 23 706 0 3729 ELIM.
13 CoffMom 2000 9 0 0 2009 ELIM.
14 ToeStinkleFinkle 2000 0 0 0 2000 ELIM.
15 LittleLadyBug 2000 0 0 0 2000 ELIM.
Pos. Team (Rd. of 8 After Miami) Rd. 8 Points Playoff Pts - Reg. Season & Playoffs Total Rd. of 8 Race Pts. Rd. of 8 Playoff Pts Total Diff. to Cutoff
1 ScorpioWins [1 Win] 4000 35 366 5 4406 Adv. to Champ. Rd.
2 ButterBall [1 Win] 4000 25 285 7 4317 Adv. to Champ. Rd.
3 BioTech 4000 29 292 2 4323 +11
4 BaconForLife 4000 25 296 0 4321 +9
5 RCRhinos 4000 55 257 0 4312 -9
6 SolSoul 4000 51 257 0 4308 -13
7 LilBirdieBoom 4000 6 261 0 4267 -54
8 DragonKing 4000 26 239 0 4265 -56
9 MalteseMomma 3000 27 688 4 3719 ELIM.
10 LoveDame 3000 21 681 0 3702 ELIM.
11 Gallus 3000 23 608 0 3631 ELIM.
12 JBugginToTheFinish 3000 6 596 0 3602 ELIM.
13 CoffMom 2000 9 0 0 2009 ELIM.
14 ToeStinkleFinkle 2000 0 0 0 2000 ELIM.
15 LittleLadyBug 2000 0 0 0 2000 ELIM.
Pos. Team (Rd. of 8 After Las Vegas) Rd. 8 Points Playoff Pts - Reg. Season & Playoffs Total Rd. of 8 Race Pts. Rd. of 8 Playoff Pts Total Diff. to Cutoff
1 ButterBall [1 Win] 4000 25 169 7 4201 Adv. to Champ. Rd.
2 RCRhinos 4000 55 142 0 4197 +17
3 ScorpioWins 4000 35 160 0 4195 +15
BaconForLife 4000 25 166 0 4191 +11
5 SolSoul 4000 51 129 0 4180 -11
6 BioTech 4000 29 144 2 4175 -16
7 LilBirdieBoom 4000 6 132 0 4138 -53
8 DragonKing 4000 26 100 0 4126 -65
9 LoveDame 3000 21 546 0 3567 ELIM.
10 MalteseMomma 3000 27 527 0 3554 ELIM.
11 Gallus 3000 23 511 0 3534 ELIM.
12 JBugginToTheFinish 3000 6 498 0 3504 ELIM.
13 CoffMom 2000 9 0 0 2009 ELIM.
14 ToeStinkleFinkle 2000 0 0 0 2000 ELIM.
15 LittleLadyBug 2000 0 0 0 2000 ELIM.
Pos. Team (Start of Rd. of 8) Rd. 8 Points Playoff Pts - Reg. Season & Playoffs Total Rd. of 8 Race Pts. Rd. of 8 Playoff Pts Total Diff. to Cutoff
1 RCRhinos 4000 55 0 0 4055 +29
2 SolSoul 4000 51 0 0 4051 +25
3 ScorpioWins 4000 35 0 0 4035 +9
4 BioTech 4000 29 0 0 4029 +3
5 DragonKing 4000 26 0 0 4026 -3
6 ButterBall 4000 25 0 0 4025 -4
BaconForLife 4000 25 0 0 4025 -4
8 LilBirdieBoom 4000 6 0 0 4006 -23
9 MalteseMomma 3000 27 398 0 3425 ELIM.
10 LoveDame 3000 21 402 0 3423 ELIM.
11 Gallus 3000 23 368 0 3391 ELIM.
12 JBugginToTheFinish 3000 6 357 0 3363 ELIM.
13 CoffMom 2000 9 0 0 2009 ELIM.
14 ToeStinkleFinkle 2000 0 0 0 2000 ELIM.
15 LittleLadyBug 2000 0 0 0 2000 ELIM.
Pos. Team (After Roval Rd. of 12) Rd. 12 Points Playoff Pts - Reg. Season Total Rd. of 12 Race Pts. Rd. 12 Playoff Pts Total Diff. to Cutoff
1 ScorpioWins [2 Wins] 3000 21 499 14 3534 [Adv. to Rd. of 8]
2 DragonKing [1 Win] 3000 21 445 5 3471 [Adv. to Rd. of 8]
3 RCRhinos 3000 51 428 4 3483 [Adv. to Rd. of 8]
4 SolSoul 3000 49 425 2 3476 [Adv. to Rd. of 8]
5 ButterBall 3000 23 436 2 3461 [Adv. to Rd. of 8]
BaconForLife 3000 25 436 0 3461 [Adv. to Rd. of 8]
7 BioTech 3000 29 401 0 3430 [Adv. to Rd. of 8]
8 LilBirdieBoom 3000 4 423 2 3429 [Adv. to Rd. of 8]
9 MalteseMomma 3000 27 398 0 3425 ELIM.
10 LoveDame 3000 21 402 0 3423 ELIM.
11 Gallus 3000 23 368 0 3391 ELIM.
12 JBugginToTheFinish 3000 6 357 0 3363 ELIM.
13 CoffMom 2000 9 0 0 2009 ELIM.
14 ToeStinkleFinkle 2000 0 0 0 2000 ELIM.
15 LittleLadyBug 2000 0 0 0 2000 ELIM.
Pos. Team (After Texas Rd. of 12) Rd. 12 Points Playoff Pts - Reg. Season Total Rd. of 12 Race Pts. Rd. 12 Playoff Pts Total Diff. to Cutoff
1 DragonKing 3000 21 171 5 3197 [Adv. to Rd. of 8]
2 SolSoul 3000 49 160 2 3211 +63
3 RCRhinos 3000 51 155 0 3206 +58
4 LoveDame 3000 21 149 0 3170 +22
5 ButterBall 3000 23 146 0 3169 +21
6 MalteseMomma 3000 27 134 0 3161 +13
7 BioTech 3000 29 130 0 3159 +11
8 ScorpioWins 3000 21 130 2 3153 +5
9 BaconForLife 3000 25 123 0 3148 -5
10 Gallus 3000 23 113 0 3136 -17
11 JBugginToTheFinish 3000 6 124 0 3130 -23
12 LilBirdieBoom 3000 4 120 0 3124 -29
13 CoffMom 2000 9 0 0 2009 ELIM.
14 ToeStinkleFinkle 2000 0 0 0 2000 ELIM.
15 LittleLadyBug 2000 0 0 0 2000 ELIM.
Pos. Team (After Bristol Race/ Start of Rd. of 12) Rd. 12 Points Playoff Pts - Reg. Season Rd. 16 Playoff Pts. Rd. 12 Playoff Pts Total Diff. to Cutoff
1 RCRhinos 3000 51 0 0 3051 +30
2 SolSoul 3000 45 4 0 3049 +28
3 BioTech 3000 24 5 0 3029 +8
4 MalteseMomma 3000 27 0 0 3027 +6
5 BaconForLife 3000 18 7 0 3025 +4
6 ButterBall 3000 23 0 0 3023 +2
7 Gallus 3000 23 0 0 3023 +2
8 ScorpioWins 3000 14 7 0 3021 +0
9 LoveDame 3000 19 2 0 3021 -0
10 DragonKing 3000 21 0 0 3021 -0
11 JBugginToTheFinish 3000 4 2 0 3006 -15
12 LilBirdieBoom 3000 2 2 0 3004 -17
13 CoffMom 2000 9 0 0 2009 ELIM.
14 ToeStinkleFinkle 2000 0 0 0 2000 ELIM.
15 LittleLadyBug 2000 0 0 0 2000 ELIM.
Pos. Avg Reg. Pos. Team (After Daytona Race) Rd. 16 Points Reg. Season Pos. Pts. 1st Half Playoff Pts. 2nd Half Playoff Pts. Total Diff. to Cutoff
1 1 RCRhinos 2000 15 9 27 2051 +49
2 2.5 SolSoul 2000 10 11 24 2045 +43
3 7.5 MalteseMomma 2000 5 2 20 2027 +25
4 7 BioTech 2000 6 9 9 2024 +22
5 7.5 Gallus 2000 5 2 16 2023 +21
9 ButterBall 2000 2 5 16 2023 +21
7 5 DragonKing 2000 8 13 0 2021 +19
8 8 LoveDame 2000 3 5 11 2019 +17
9 9 BaconForLife 2000 2 16 0 2018 +16
10 5 ScorpioWins 2000 8 6 0 2014 +12
11 12 CoffMom 2000 0 5 4 2009 +7
12 12 JBugginToTheFinish 2000 0 2 2 2004 +2
13 9.5 LittleBirdieBoom 2000 0 0 2 2002 -2
14 11 ToeStinkleFinkle 2000 0 0 0 2000 -4
15 14 LittleLadyBug 2000 0 0 0 2000 -4
Pos. Avg Reg. Pos. Team (After Indy Road Race) Rd. 16 Points Reg. Season Pos. Pts. 1st Half Playoff Pts. 2nd Half Playoff Pts. Total Diff. to Cutoff
1 2.5 SolSoul 2000 10 11 22 2043 +43
2 1 RCRhinos 2000 15 9 15 2039 +39
3 7.5 MalteseMomma 2000 4 2 20 2026 +26
4 6.5 Gallus 2000 6 2 16 2024 +24
5 7 BioTech 2000 5 9 9 2023 +23
6 5.5 DragonKing 2000 7 13 0 2020 +20
9 ButterBall 2000 1 5 14 2020 +20
8 8 LoveDame 2000 3 5 11 2019 +19
9 8.5 BaconForLife 2000 2 16 0 2018 +18
10 5 ScorpioWins 2000 8 6 0 2014 +14
11 12 CoffMom 2000 0 5 4 2009 +9
12 12.5 JBugginToTheFinish 2000 0 2 0 2002 +2
13 10 LittleBirdieBoom 2000 0 0 0 2000 -2
14 11 ToeStinkleFinkle 2000 0 0 0 2000 -2
15 14 LittleLadyBug 2000 0 0 0 2000 -2
Pos. Avg Reg. Pos. Team (After Michigan Race) Rd. 16 Points Reg. Season Pos. Pts. 1st Half Playoff Pts. 2nd Half Playoff Pts. Total Diff. to Cutoff
1 2.5 SolSoul 2000 10 11 22 2043 +43
2 1 RCRhinos 2000 15 9 15 2039 +39
3 8 MalteseMomma 2000 5 2 20 2027 +27
4 5.5 Gallus 2000 6 2 16 2024 +24
5 8.5 ButterBall 2000 2 5 14 2021 +21
6 5 DragonKing 2000 7 13 0 2020 +20
8 LoveDame 2000 4 5 11 2020 +20
8 8.5 BaconForLife 2000 1 16 0 2017 +17
9 5 ScorpioWins 2000 8 6 0 2014 +14
10 8 BioTech 2000 3 9 0 2012 +12
11 12 CoffMom 2000 0 5 4 2009 +9
12 12.5 JBugginToTheFinish 2000 0 2 0 2002 +2
13 10 LittleBirdieBoom 2000 0 0 0 2000 -2
14 11 ToeStinkleFinkle 2000 0 0 0 2000 -2
15 14 LittleLadyBug 2000 0 0 0 2000 -2